Registry Subscriptions

AACVPR Outpatient Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Data Registries
Through the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) outpatient data registries, you can track patient outcomes and program performance while building an evidence base for the effectiveness of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation.

Join a Registry

Step 1: Identify a Principal User

The Principal User is the main contact between AACVPR and the program. This individual is in charge of coordinating subscription payments, controlling which staff members can enter data, and ensuring a program's subscription(s) stay active.

To designate a Registry Principal User for your program, please fill out and submit the AACVPR Registry Primary Contact Form.

Step 2: Download the Enrollment Checklist

Step 3: Review Our Participation Agreement

All programs wishing to join a registry must complete a required Participation Agreement contract in order to gain access to the registry. (Note: If your program wishes to join the Cardiac & Pulmonary registries, your program will need to fill both the Cardiac Participation Agreement & the Pulmonary Participation Agreement).

View a PDF copy of the 2024 Cardiac Participation Agreement

View a PDF copy of the 2024 Pulmonary Participation Agreement

Requesting Changes:
Programs may request changes to the current participation agreement. Prior to requesting changes, please download our Legal FAQs document. Please note that it may take several months for your questions and changes to be processed through our legal counsel. You must wait until both legal counsels have come to an agreement on all requested changes before moving onto steps 4-5.

To submit your changes, please download a Word version of the agreement (below) and use the “track changes” function to clearly indicate the sections you would like edited. When ready, please send the document to for review.

Download a Word document copy of our 2024 Cardiac Participation Agreement

Download a Word document copy of our 2024 Pulmonary Participation Agreement

Step 4: Signing the Participation Agreement

Please make sure you DO NOT have any requested changes to our Participation Agreement before reading this section. See the above section if you do have changes.

Before filling out the Participation Agreement(s) please read the below rules:

  • If you aren't sure who can sign contract(s) for your program, please verify the appropriate individual with legal authority to sign contracts.
  • Completing the Participation Agreement(s) via docusign is ONLY for the individual signing on behalf of the program using the registry (This means the signer will need to know the name of the Registry Principal User, program address, and program name).
  • The individual using docusign should be the person who's eSignature will go onto our Cardiac Participation Agreement and/or our Pulmonary Participation Agreement. If you don't have legal authority to sign DO NOT email Instead, have the individual with legal authority to sign contacts email
  • If you or your legal signer are ready to sign our Cardiac and/or Pulmonary contract(s) AND you have no requested changes to our contract(s):
  • Please email our Registry team with the below information.
    • Email address of person with legal authority to sign a Participation Agreement (this person will be sent email instructions prompting them on how to use DocuSign as well as a link to sign online)
    • Name & address of the facility you wish to complete a contract to join the registry
    • Which contract(s) you would like to sign (Please indicate Cardiac, Pulmonary or both)

Step 5: Pay for Your Subscription

A program's Principal User can print out an invoice to pay by check or pay online by credit card.

Note: If you would like someone in your purchasing department to pay for your subscription by credit card, they will need your Principal User's login information to login to Contact for more information.

To pay for your Registry renewal by credit card:

  1. Log in to the AACVPR website.
  2. When logged in, please click on the "My Profile" link in the green navigation bar.
  3. When you are logged in to your account, you should see a picture icon in the top right hand corner of the website. Click on the icon, and you should then see the option to switch between your individual profile and your program profile. Please select the account you would like to submit payment for.
  4. On the program profile page, click on the “My Account” tab to view outstanding balances.
  5. Click on the check box next to the invoice you would like to submit payment for, and then click on the “Pay” button below the invoices.
  6. Enter in your payment information and select the proper billing address, and then click on the “Checkout” button at the bottom right corner of the page. After your payment has been processed, you should receive a receipt via email.

To print an invoice to pay by check:

  1. Log in to the AACVPR website.
  2. When logged in, please click on the "My Profile" link in the green navigation bar.
  3. When you are logged in to your account, you should see a picture icon in the top right hand corner of the website. Click on the icon, and you should then see the option to switch between your individual profile and your program profile. Please select the account you would like to submit payment for.
  4. On the program profile page, click on the “My Account” tab to view outstanding balances.
  5. Click on the “View” link to the right of the invoice number to access your program’s registry subscription invoice. Your invoice should open up within your web browser.
  6. Click on the “Print” icon that should display in your browser, or right click on the invoice and select the “Print” option to print off your program’s invoice.
  7. Mail your invoice and check to:
    AACVPR - Certification and Registry
    8556 Solutions Center
    Chicago, IL 60677-8005

Renew a Current Registry Subscription

Follow the same instructions as seen in Step 5: Pay for Your Subscription

Registry Principal Users should be able to access their registry renewal invoice through their account no later than June 30 of each year. For the July 2024 – June 2025 subscription period, the registry subscription fee will be $425, and all programs will have through September 30, 2024, to submit registry subscription payments prior to termination of registry access. Follow the same instructions as seen in Step 5: Pay for Your Subscription.

Please note: Programs that have a participation agreement or amendment on file from 2014 or more recently do not need to complete an amendment to complete the renewal process. To check the status of your participation agreement, please email
